Foam Roofing Saves Energy
Most people would know that a green building must be an energy efficient building. But not everyone agrees on how to define and measure efficiency. The Eviromental Protection Agency Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings, recently adopted by over 18 federal agencies, including the EPA, provide a good model. The Guiding Principles call for integrated design, energy performance, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, and materials aimed at helping Federal agencies and organizations:
New buildings must be designed to meet local energy codes, but should also be expected to meet aggressive energy use targets. Sustainability always makes good eco-sense with Foam Roofing.
• Reduce the Total Operating Cost of Facilities
• Create energy & Improve Energy Efficiency;
• Solar Photovoltaic Intregrated System Solutions;
• Promote Sustainable Environmental Stewardship.
• Cost Payback Through Energy Savings.